
A door opened with the call
Funny thing I had no expectation
I had no expectation at all

Thinking back I should have known
Her subatomic energy pixilized uniquely on my HP screen. We laughed sending
messages about being country and the prism of insight that being southern

And I reached for my phone. See she promised she’d make time just for me.
She’d sit down and listen no distractions when I called her at home.

Can you believe the phone had no power. No power at all. Huh. It’s 9:55 and
she promised she’d be available and listen for my after 10 call

She said, my baby girl will be in bed. And I will make time for you. Well
she didn’t say it. It was a text message from dating site is what’s true.

And an hour later her name is and she feels just like me. She had truths to
share and pains to bear. Just like me.

And an hour later our stories blended together on the line. Our laughs
married in harmony. The Sweet cadence of her breath and tone were charming

And she Is and and I am and God please don’t fool me Cause this may be a
wrap and she is speaking to my spirit and what she not saying my heart can
hear it.

And she is and I am Corneilius And we talked to each other just us no
representatives. And she exposed her fears and I showed scars from the
hurts. God must be on the line and his plan must be at work.

And we held on to the moment as hands clutch sand in the wind. Like
children, we were new friends on the playground hoping the sunlight never
to dim.

And in the moments there was hope and in the moment there is hope. I may
not be alone on this float. And I may have a friend for this ride and we
can road trip side by side.

And we can laugh and together we can cry and we can scream then in the
morning share the sun peaking through our window together blessed and
wonder why.

And what am I saying. We’d already hung up the phone. It’s really late and
I here all alone. But a door opened on that line. And I have prepared for
this moment. The moment to catch my blessing to receive the favor that’s